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-Book Club

Macfarlane Creative is the Hub where you will find books by authors Leigh Macfarlane and LM Penner, plus the educational books and courses of The Backwoods Writer.  Click the button for more information: 

Available March 11!


The Joyful Gardener for Beginner Gardeners of British Columbia

This book was written with the assistance of AI. Mainly as an experiment to see what would happen. AI created the outline and did the research. I just wrote the book. 

Topics include - zones, soil types, home remedies to plant problems, types of plants that grow well in the Okanagan and how to care for them, personal gardening fails of the author, and so much more. 

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Coming Soon

Blink & You Miss It Small Towns of BC

 Leigh Macfarlane's newest travel book


I was driving through the small town of Westwold, BC, when suddenly I thought, "If you blink, you miss this town." Then I thought, "Ooh, great book title!" That led to two years of traveling to various small towns in British Columbia. Some of them, I knew about and had either been to or had wanted to visit. Some of them, I'd never heard of before. All of them were amazing in their own ways, and you are sure to love them, too!


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Available Now!

All the things you need to know about novel writing. It discusses the parts of a novel, gives some grammar cheat sheets, and takes a specific look at the one element of grammar writers seem to struggle with the most -- the comma. As well, you will find a deep dive into writing characters, into plot, and into writing good dialogue.

You will find:
-Tips learned the hard way from an author with over twenty published books.
-Information on the resistance you might find inside your own mind when you try to write a novel -- and how to manage the headspace of a writer.
-What to learn from making big mistakes.
-How to do your own editing effectively. Plus,
-Information on publishing options as a traditional and as an indie author.

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Macfarlane Consulting

Are you an author with a problem but can't afford an editor?

Check out Macfarlane Consulting Now! 

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